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How Laundryheap works
What services does Laundryheap provide?
What services does Laundryheap provide?
Updated over a week ago

We provide a variety of different services to suit your needs. Please keep in mind that some services are currently not available in all areas. Check our prices and services to find out what services we offer in your region.

Wash service - items are machine washed, tumble dried, and carefully packed together.

Dry cleaning service - items are individually dry cleaned, ironed, and returned to you on hangers.

Wash & iron service - items are washed, tumble dried, ironed, and returned to you on hangers.

Ironing - items are processed as iron only and returned to you on hangers.

Duvets and bulky items - larger items such as duvets, pillows, and blankets will be washed according to their care label instructions. Some of these items will need 72 hours to process as they require special care.

Repairs - Repair services are offered for damaged zippers or buttons.

Curtains, carpets and sneaker cleaning - Curtains, carpets and sneakers will be cleaned according to their care label instructions.

💡 For more information about Laundryheap services, check our FAQ "More about Laundryheap services" or visit our prices and services page.

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